Danny Boyle explains what made Cillian Murphy so special from the start

During pre-production on that film, you put the actors through a training ground, having them live together for a while to get used to their characters' situation. Since Murphy plays the lead, did he take on a leadership role during that training camp?

He would never assume leadership; he would just be part of [the group]. He directs movies, but he's not someone who takes on that kind of lead role.

He obviously didn't live with them; They lived together, and I think one or two of them were a little surprised that they were literally going to live together for a couple of weeks. But the music was a great help. The other thing about him is his music: he presents shows on the BBC, on Radio 6. His musical taste is wonderful.

What type of music do you like?

High quality eclectic. I think that's one of the things she liked about us working together, because I am also passionate about music.. He has an inexhaustible appetite for music. The show of him that she did during the confinement. [“Songs From Under the Stairs”]He locks himself in and that is his quiet place.

When you two reunited for “Sunshine,” did you notice your acting approach changing from film to film?

There was no research on the first film because it was [about] an apocalypse, but the second one was very diligent. She established a very good friendship with this scientist, Brian Cox. Oddly enough, she looks like Cillian. [Laughs] And he went to CERN, which is where atoms shoot around a huge circular particle accelerator. It's been a long time [researching]and then trust your intuition.

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I imagine he did that in “Oppenheimer”: he trusts the scene and the interaction with the other actors. I don't remember ever fighting with [him], like you can do with some actors and some parts. When trying to confront [a role]he prepares and then gives the absolute impression of having done no preparation: he is ready to go.

We get along very well and we hope to get back together in the sequel we are making to “28 Days Later”, this “28 Years Later”. It's not a done deal yet, but I hope we can get back together on that, if he ever talks to me again. [Laughs]

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