Warner Bros. moves away from single-player AAA games, Hogwarts Legacy 2 will be a live service

From the creator of the game, his title sold 22 million units and was the most desired piece of the last year, you probably wouldn't expect this statement…

“The thing is that the video game market is very fickle, fickle and unstable. Sometimes you have a hit like Hogwarts Legacy, another year a gem like that is missing or something fucking disappointing like Suicide Squad this quarter,” explains JB Perrette, president streaming and global gaming on Warner Bros. Discovery.

For this reason, they reevaluated their strategy and in the future they want to go in a different direction, not only in AAA titles for consoles. They will target mobile branches, Free-2-Play titles and also games as a service, all of course; based on its emblematic brands, among others; They include Mortal Kombat, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and DC.

Pronunciation They didn't say, they definitely would. They no longer have great single-player games like Batman: Arkham Knight, but očividně will not be their priority in the coming years, as it is sure to hurt.

The head of the publishing house dreamed about how wonderful it would be to release a game like Hogwarts Legacy 2, which is a living service, where people can live and work in a constantly changing virtual world.

It will be for ně It is said to be absolutely astonishing when For them, some title of this type will generate “significant and consistent income” for several fiscal years, while until now they have only had fragments to get through. One day they came out on consoles and that was their de facto end.

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According to Warner Bros., they have a strategic investment plan that will be reflected in the years 2025 and 2027, which is why “making games takes a long time.” First of all, at the Hogwarts Legacy studio we are now looking for graphic designers capable of working with Unreal Engine 5, so much leads to speculation about what will drive the continuation of the bestseller (the original was in Unreal Engine 4).

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