Dark Souls: Archthrones fan mod offers a “retelling” of the Dark Souls universe

A new fan mod for Dark Souls 3 has been released, offering a complete overhaul of the game that promises “a new telling of the Dark Souls universe.”

Called Dark Souls: Archthrones, it has been created by Archthrones Team and is available on NexusMods free. The team is made up of concept artists, writers, programmers, composers and voice actors within the Souls community, according to their description.

Interestingly, it takes inspiration from Demon's Souls in terms of level structure, hence the mod's name being a set of Archstones from FromSoftware's first Souls game.

Cover image for YouTube video.Demo Launch Trailer – Dark Souls: Archthrones

Demo Launch Trailer – Dark Souls: Archthrones

Similarly, in Dark Souls: Archthrones players will be able to advance each throne in any order, regardless of difficulty. There are five worlds that are inspired “by the FromSoftware mythos”, with reinterpretations of iconic characters and areas from across the trilogy.

The team has also drawn on the entire Souls series and other FromSoftware games for both gameplay mechanics and animations. New combat skills include guard counterattacks, perfect block, deflection, and step back guard cancel. There are also 17 new boss fights where you can test your mettle.

The mod also promises new weapons to wield, entirely new armor sets specific to this world, and new NPCs with familiar voices who offer various side quests.

So there are a lot of things that seem to act as the best things about Demon's Souls/Dark Souls. Souls fans won't want to miss this: it's only compatible with the Steam version of Dark Souls 3.

The Soulsborne games as a whole are ripe for modification, with The Convergence mod for Elden Ring, released last month, offering a “comprehensive overhaul” of the entire game with new classes, bosses, equipment and more.

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All of this ahead of FromSoftware's next release: Elden Ring's DLC expansion, Shadow of the Erdtree, in June.

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