A side job that “doesn't feel like work” brings in an extra $10,000 a month for a 23-year-old with a full-time job – Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG), eBay (NASDAQ:EBAY)

A side job that "doesn't feel like work" brings in an extra $10,000 a month for a 23-year-old with a full-time job - Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG), eBay (NASDAQ:EBAY)

Sofia Riegel he got his side off the ground without spending a dime. He now makes more money buying second-hand clothes than he does at his full-time job.

What to know: Riegel launched a side hustle selling secondhand clothing online when she was a freshman at Duke University in 2020. Last year alone, she made $123,800 in sales and has posted more than $192,000 in net profits since starting the company, according to CNBC.

The 23-year-old came up with the idea for her side hustle when she was stuck at home in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She found some old items from her childhood bedroom and made about $200 selling them online. That's when she decided to expand the operation.

Riegel began searching local thrift stores for clothing that could be sold online for a profit. Riegel discovered that he could buy T-shirts for about $1 and sell them for about $10. Within weeks, he was selling about $50 a day.

Started researching resale tips on Alphabet Inc GOOGGOOGLE YouTube in an effort to grow the business. She spent countless hours watching clips of other resellers, learning what brands to look for when purchasing secondhand products and how to sell online.

Riegel now sells about 10 items a day on online marketplaces such as eBay Inc. EBAY, to be purchased and luxury brand, generating between $400 and $500 in income per day. She works about 25 hours a week in addition to her full-time job as a writer and mental health counselor.

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“I wouldn't do anything else. I love him so much. She makes me very happy,” Riegel said.

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Riegel further increased her side hustle by paying attention to restocking times at her local thrift stores to avoid checking out the same items repeatedly. By doing this, she gained access to better resale opportunities. He once bought an old Chanel bag for $2 and sold it on eBay for $1,000, he said.

Riegel's secondary resale business accounted for about 70% of its total revenue last year. She is considering hiring employees to help her photograph and list items online so she can focus on searching for items at thrift stores.

“Technically, the economy takes the longest. But for me it is not a job,” she said.

Riegel is also finding other ways to grow his side hustle, which currently generates more than $10,000 a month in revenue. She began posting instructional videos on YouTube and selling services as a reseller consultant.

She has no plans to slow down anytime soon because, ultimately, it makes her happy and “you can't put a price on that,” she said.

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This story is part of a series of articles on the topic of success, Gasoline inspiration.

Photo: Pexels from Pixabay.

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