Helldivers 2 must balance bug fixes and new content to stay relevant, says developer

Arrowhead has a firm line it needs to walk with Helldivers 2. The developer needs to make sure to fix any bugs (not Terminids, the buggy kind) while also adding new features and content to the game to “stay relevant.”

This comes from Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt, who responded to a post on reddit (thank you IGN) saying that the “competitiveness of this industry” meant the team had to make sure they did both to ensure the longevity of their game.

Helldivers 2 Report for Duty Trailer.Watch on YouTube

“Arrowhead is independently owned by people who work at the studio and is not influenced by shareholders in the traditional sense,” said the director of Helldivers 2. “Of course we have a great partnership with Sony where we agree on goals to achieve, etc. But there is no forced feature or requirement per se.

“We want to offer the best in the industry and are calibrating our efforts to fix things versus new things.”

The developer said it was “easy to say 'just fix, don't add,'” but that wasn't how things worked. “We are resolving the demands and expectations of the studio. [are] high, all eyes are on us and we have one purpose: to make this the best live game you'll ever play. “We just need to find our stride and balance,” he continued. “It's a hot topic in the studio, and I'm sorry for the careless mistakes we've made lately.”

in a later postPilestedt went on to state that his original comment should not be considered defensive. Rather, he simply wanted to highlight how “the games industry is a complicated beast,” adding, “The pressure is real.”

“We need to stay relevant and keep everyone entertained while we fix things,” he wrote. “The expectations of our friends at PlayStation are quite simple: 'make [a] great game for gamers. We trust you.'

“No one forces us. But at the same time, the pressure is real it's very abstract.”

Screenshot from Helldivers 2 showing a Helldiver walking proudly as confetti rockets explode around him.
Image credit: Arrowhead

However, Helldivers 2 maintains its strong presence in the video game scene. The powers that be recently challenged players to eradicate two billion Therminids to replenish the forces. And while it may have seemed like a pretty high number at first, intrepid players managed to successfully crush the buggy beasts in less than 24 hours.

“Helldivers, the Terminid planets run red with freedom thanks to this inspiring display of preemptive self-defense,” the Helldivers 2 social media team proclaimed today, adding that all loved ones had been informed of such bravery.

I wonder what Game Master Joel has planned for us next…

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