Sky: Children of the Light, the acclaimed free-to-play “social adventure” from Journey and Flower developer ThatGameCompany, is finally just over a year since it was announced for PC. released on Steaminitially as an early access version.
Sky: Children of the Light is far from a new game, of course; It was originally released for iOS in 2019 before coming to Android, Switch, and PlayStation in the years since. And now, with over 260 million downloads to its name, PC gamers will have the chance to experience this charming, if unusual, adventure for themselves.
Spanning the seven realms of a beautiful kingdom nestled among the clouds, Sky: Children of the Light combines puzzle platforming fragments and story vignettes, all built around a smoothly collaborative multiplayer core designed to foster “compassion, friendship and altruism.”
It comes to PC with support for cross-play and cross-progression between all available platforms, and with the same seasonal content and live service-style events as other versions. However, ThatGameCompany also opted to release on Steam as an Early Access version to gain feedback and “ensure that the full feature set of Steam can be implemented for PC.”
The studio's full PC development goals are as follows:
- Improves stability and gaming experience on PC and Steam Deck
- Integrate Steam Friends, Achievements, and Remote Play Support
- Continue to improve game graphics with HDR and VRR support
- UI changes that make it easier to find the gesture you want in the expression menu
- Improve the onboarding process to welcome new players more effectively
- Further develop Aviary Village as a social hub for events and activities.
- Introduce a new quest system to enrich interactions with spirits.
- Celebrate with in-game events and offer items that allow players to connect and express their creativity.
ThatGameCompany says it will keep Sky: Children of the Light in Early Access “until player feedback and improvements can be fully implemented,” but the steam version will preserve full content parity with other versions while the process continues. That includes Sky's upcoming Nesting Season, which launches April 15 and is fully detailed on their website.