Larian's next game will have a different “tone, style and approach” to Baldur's Gate 3, but it won't “overshadow” it

You may have heard: While Larian isn't done updating Baldur's Gate 3, the studio's next game won't be Baldur's Gate 4 or anything to do with D&D.

But while studio founder and head Swen Vincke mentioned that the team was working on “something new” in his entertaining open talk at GDC, it wasn't exactly clear what “new” meant. However, speaking to Eurogamer at the event, Vincke gave more details. Next will be “New in the sense that it's different from things we've done before.”

It will be “still quite familiar, but different,” he said, while “the tone, the style and the way of doing it are certainly new to us and I think they are very attractive. I would love to talk about it now, because “I'm very excited about this, but I can't say more. But it's new in that sense.”

Vincke also clarified what appears to be a slight misunderstanding about the overall size of the game, no matter how it is defined. During the week, Vincke was quoted as saying that the next game the studio is working on would “overshadow” him. That doesn't quite match what he intended.

“Did I really say that like that? I think I've been misquoted on this,” he said. “I saw it happen and I was like, 'I need to check what I really said,' either because I was really jetlagged, so I said it wrong or…

“So it's not a very big role-playing game that will eclipse them all, the one we're doing now – I mean, we have a couple, we have two games we want to make – and [that] We actually intended to do it after making BG3, so now we're back on that path. They are big and ambitious, that's for sure. But I mean, I think in terms of scope, BG3 is probably good enough already!”

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Vincke was also one of several developers to make strong statements about the industry's current struggle with layoffs, with Larion's boss citing publisher “greed” as a cause. Vincke also talked about this with Eurogamer during our conversation at GDC; Expect much more of that talk very soon.

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