In an exciting turn of events, the iconic PS1 classic, Hogs of War, is set to make a triumphant comeback after 23 long years. This beloved turn-based tactics game is getting a much-anticipated remaster, aiming to reintroduce the world to its unique charm and humor on modern gaming platforms.
Hogs of War, although met with mixed reviews upon its original release, managed to forge a dedicated fan base over the years. Many enthusiasts regard it as one of the most underrated and comically entertaining PS1 games ever. While the game initially debuted on the PS1 and later on PC, there hasn’t been any new installment in the series for decades. However, all that is about to change with the impending Hogs of War remaster, which is set to kick off a Kickstarter campaign very soon.
The Hogs of War Lardcore remaster Kickstarter campaign is scheduled to commence on October 17th at 4 pm UK time and will run until November 16th at 9 pm UK time. The campaign’s primary goal is to raise £150,000 to ensure the completion of this exciting project. Beyond this, there are numerous stretch goals on the horizon. These include the possibility of a PC port, the addition of online networking, the introduction of fresh gameplay options, new cheat codes, a rebalanced single-player campaign, an achievement system, and an ultra-challenging Hard Mode campaign. The grandest stretch goal of all is the incorporation of online multiplayer, though the exact funding required for this achievement remains uncertain at this point. Fans of Hogs of War will have the opportunity to choose from 13 pledge tiers, each offering a combination of physical and digital rewards, with more details to come once the campaign officially launches.
While waiting in eager anticipation for the remastered version, fans can still enjoy the original Hogs of War. The game is available on Steam for $5.29 and as a PS1 Classics version on the PS3 for $5.99. However, it’s worth noting that the Steam version has received mixed reviews, possibly due to compatibility issues with modern hardware, and the PS1 Classics version is unfortunately not playable on the PS4 or PS5.
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The Hogs of War remaster is aiming for a release on both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, with a potential PC port on the horizon as well. For the dedicated community of Hogs of War fans, the hope is that the Kickstarter campaign will meet its goals, allowing this beloved classic to make a triumphant return to modern gaming platforms.
In summary, Hogs of War is in development for the PS4 and PS5, and its imminent remaster has gamers and fans alike buzzing with excitement for this nostalgic journey back to the world of turn-based swine warfare.
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