Saltburn Movie – A Tale of Unbalanced Friendships, Lust, and Envy

Enter the world of Saltburn Movie, where the complicated friendship of two Oxford boys, Oliver and Felix, takes center stage. The film explores complex dynamics as love and neediness intertwine against the backdrop of Oxford’s prestigious setting. Join us for a cinematic journey brimming with crackling energy, dreamlike sequences, and post-adolescent insecurity, promising an engaging narrative tapestry woven with lust, envy, and family complexities. Discover how Saltburn dabbles in unconventional storytelling, using seduction as a powerful weapon while enticing viewers with its enigmatic allure.

Saltburn Movie
(Image Credit: Google)

Oxford Friends Navigate Love and Neediness in Saltburn Movie

Saltburn Movie - A Tale of Unbalanced Friendships, Lust, and Envy
(Image Credit: Google)

In the film world, two Oxford boys, the scholar Oliver (Bryan Keoghan) and the debonair Felix (Jacob Elordi), form an unbalanced and obsessive friendship. What one perceives as love, the other endures out of neediness, resulting in an unpredictable dynamic. The story takes us on a journey that takes us south, sideways, and even to the far reaches of space, but ultimately leads nowhere.

The story revolves around a summer spent at Saltburn, Felix’s family estate. This sprawling estate includes a Baroque mansion with soaring ceilings, a cantilevered staircase, an abundance of portraiture, a collection of Bernard Palissy ceramic platters, and a captivating garden maze where characters get lost in both the verdant labyrinth and the plot’s complexities.

In the film Saltburn Movie, the plot takes a serious turn when Oliver lends Felix his bike, a moment that Oliver has long anticipated. During their Oxford stretch, this exchange becomes a pivotal scene. Here, Oliver sees Felix as an enticing presence, whereas Felix’s prepster circle sees him as an irritant. The film’s most captivating moments occur during this Oxford interlude, where there is a palpable blend of crackle, dreaminess, and post-adolescent instability.

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While the film does not match the brilliance of other coming-of-age classics such as John Hughes’ Heathers, the enchanted world of Hogwarts, or Elordi’s HBO series Euphoria, Fennell manages to infuse these moments with a distinct blend of hunger, cruelty, and a touch of passable tenderness. This Oxford segment serves as a canvas on which identities are formed, paving the way for the characters’ development.

Set against the backdrop of Oxford, the dynamics between Oliver and Felix create a captivating fusion of sincerity and complexity. One memorable scene is when Oliver confides in Felix about his recent father’s death. Felix extends an invitation to Saltburn in an act of genuine compassion, revealing a dimension of the film that explores not only the surface tensions but also the depths of empathy and understanding among its characters.

Saltburn Movie’s Interesting Drama – Lust, Envy, and Family Dynamics

Saltburn Movie - A Tale of Unbalanced Friendships, Lust, and Envy
(Image Credit: Google)

In the Saltburn Movie, embarking on this journey reveals a story that resembles more than just a simple visit—it’s a cinematic experience, perhaps even a trilogy. Lust and envy weave their way through the events, while Fennell’s exploration of psychopathology adds a unique, if crude, dimension to the plot.

Felix, the son of a stoic and seemingly uninterested family, introduces us to a world in which clenched is an emotion. The air in Saltburn is thick with excitement, as if everyone is waiting for a new beginning, a new toy. Oliver walks in, all A-student charm and eagerness for camaraderie. Felix’s witty mother, Elspeth (played by Rosamund Pike), is impressed by his erudition and captivating blue eyes. Meanwhile, Felix’s self-conscious sister, Venetia (played by Alison Oliver), is captivated simply by Oliver’s appearance.

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In a different story, one might sympathize with Farleigh (played by Archie Madekwe), Felix’s schoolmate and old friend who is already a part of the family when Oliver arrives. The film, however, takes a different turn, leaving us to wonder if Farleigh, the lone nonwhite major character, is dealing with issues that go beyond the surface.

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The film briefly considers delving into Farleigh’s potential financial concerns or the specter of jealousy over a possible relationship between Oliver and Felix. However, these enticing threads are left hanging, a narrative choice that adds layers to Saltburn’s intricate dynamics.

This enthralling story unfolds against a backdrop of conflicting emotions, leaving viewers anticipating the next twists and turns. With its enigmatic characters and unexplored subplots, Saltburn Movie keeps us on the edge of our seats, questioning the unspoken complexities that lurk beneath the surface.

Saltburn’s Unusual Descent into Mischief and Passion

Not because of intricate screenwriting or profound performances (Richard E. Grant injects Felix’s father with a healthy dose of drollery), reactions to unfolding events are far from straightforward in this cinematic adventure. Instead, Fennell’s strength is in styling and stunts, which overshadow the difficult task of emotional depth.

Rather than delving into psychological complexities, Fennell chooses to entertain the audience with a series of music-video-inspired montages and tracking shots. The transition from the first half of Psycho to the visual flair of When Doves Cry or George Michael’s Freedom! ’90 feels akin to the transition from the first half of Psycho to the visual flair of When Doves Cry or George Michael’s Freedom! ’90.

Consider this: Oliver stealthily observes Felix in an act of intimate self-indulgence, only to bend over and sip the draining bathwater once the coast is clear. It’s a visually striking scene, but the absurdity of the action makes one wonder about its significance. This unusual choice reflects the film’s struggle to accept its identity as a compelling piece of trash cinema. Rather than eliciting laughter or awe, the audience is left to witness an actor valiantly attempting to save the story before it devolves into mediocrity.

Fennell persists in her investigation, transforming the initially mild protagonist into a character fit for the cover of a bodice-ripper novel: a cunning virgin unleashing the lethal weapon of lust. Saltburn Movie’s cinematic journey unfolds as a unique blend of style, absurdity, and unexpected passion as the narrative weaves through unconventional twists.

(Video Credit: Warner Bros. UK & Ireland)

In the vein of Promising Young Woman, Saltburn Movie attempts to use sex as a powerful weapon akin to a chainsaw or a gun. In 2020, Emerald Fennell skillfully transformed a seemingly casual concept into a tight and mordant exploration of a rape culture revenge fantasy. Saltburn Movie, on the other hand, follows a similar path of seductive sleekness, displaying nerve but lacking the ominous dread or venomous punch.

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Carey Mulligan, reprising her deadpan prowess from Fennell’s previous work, is at the heart of the film’s comedic core. Mulligan, who plays the chicly disheveled Pamela, navigates the role with a blend of blinkered, stammering sadness reminiscent of Tama Janowitz’s Miss Havisham. It’s a performance that borders on Helena Bonham Carter territory, but it’s crucial to the film’s plot. With only a few scenes, Pamela overstays her welcome at Saltburn, leaving a void of campiness that the film fails to capitalize on. While picturing Mulligan and Pike in a Absolutely Fabulous-style farce would be fun, Fennell prefers genuine opulence to comedic exploration.

If Promising Young Woman was about feminist vengeance, Saltburn appears to be about three elusive hovering text dots, indicating hazy intentions. The film has a few twists and a few well-delivered lines, mostly from Rosamund Pike, but it lacks substantial thoughts and emotions. While homosexuality is depicted, it is unfortunately associated with corruption and deception, painting a skewed picture of queer representation.

Saltburn Movie draws audiences into a world of enigmatic allure but falls short of the biting social commentary that distinguished its predecessor. It begs the question of its thematic purpose, leaving viewers yearning for substance beneath the glossy exterior.


We’ve finished our journey through Saltburn Movie, a complex tapestry of obsession, lust, and identity. From the intriguing dynamics of Oxford friendships to the engrossing drama at the Saltburn estate, this film offers a one-of-a-kind blend of style and unexpected passion. While Carey Mulligan’s performance adds depth and Rosamund Pike delivers compelling moments, the film’s thematic purpose remains unclear. Despite its enigmatic allure, Saltburn Movie falls short of its predecessor’s biting social commentary. 


What is the overarching theme of Saltburn Movie?

Saltburn Movie delves into an unbalanced and obsessive friendship, family dynamics, and identity complexities.

Saltburn Movie is it a thriller or a drama?

The film combines thriller, drama, and psychological exploration.

Who are the protagonists of the Saltburn Movie?

Oliver, Felix, and various members of Felix’s family are the main characters.

Is Saltburn Movie available for streaming?

Availability is subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, visit popular streaming platforms.

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