Slimming EA confirms Star Wars Jedi 3, cancels single-player Battlefield and Star Wars FPS

Even Electronic Arts did not escape the general recession in the gaming industry and was forced to admit that they too, like Sony recently, must release it in a big way. They are parting ways with 5 percent of the workforce, which represents 670 people. Since the beginning of this year, it has been on an unprecedented wave. release the gameřč canceled by game companiesěď uzcaron; přes 8 thousand workersům.

In the future, they would like to participate in their own gaming brands, sports games, and massive online communities. On the contrary, they want to get rid of future licensed brands, “they are not successful in a constantly changing industry.”

The announcement was reflected in several not entirely happy decisions. For example, they canceled the not yet announced first-person shooter from the world of Star Wars at the Respawn studio. It was directed by a Medal of Honor veteran who also participated in Force Unleashed and Battlefront. According to speculation, it was supposed to be a trophy hunting game featuring the Mandalorians, but the project was only supposed to be in the early stages.

Slimming EA confirms Star Wars Jedi 3, cancels single-player Battlefield and Star Wars FPS

Sharp cuts! The Ridgeline Games studio, founded only in 2021 to work on the ongoing campaign in the single-player part of Battlefield, also felt the total closure. None of this happened, don't try it.

On the contrary, the positive news is the official confirmation of the development of Star Wars Jedi 3, that is, the direct continuation of the bestseller. Order of survivors and fallen.

From Insider Gaming's speculation comes related (unconfirmed) rumors about the next big part of Battlefield. It is supposed to target June 2025 and offer 64-person battles in which they return to their roots, which also applies to the system of čtyř game classes. The game will supposedly provide refined destruction systems and will be set in modern times between 2025 and 2030. The story is supposed to be about modern technologies used in warfare.

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In addition, the Free-2-Play branch of Battlefield in the Battle Royale style will be born in the Ripple Effect studio. Follow the assumption: you want a strategy with Call of Duty: Warzone, others! The brain of the project is Byron Beede who still works on CoD live services. The game is supposed to bring a couple of režimů – Battle Royale and Gauntlet – of whichž the second will be about tasks and about že the leastě The scoring team is eliminated after each mission.

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