AI language pioneer DeepL targets APAC businesses with professional translation options

AI language pioneer DeepL targets APAC businesses with professional translation options
Tech employees in APAC know that working in the region can involve language difficulties. While most cross-border business is conducted ...
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It's time for APAC to build its own core AI models, says CSIRO

It's time for APAC to build its own core AI models, says CSIRO
Research carried out in 2023 by the Large European AI Models initiative found 73% of basic AI models since 2017 ...
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Technology needed to survive this decade's 'seismic' APAC B2B trends

Technology needed to survive this decade's 'seismic' APAC B2B trends
The business-to-business market will experience a number of big changes in the years to 2030, according to a new report ...
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Los deepfakes de IA aumentan como riesgo para las organizaciones de APAC

Los deepfakes de IA aumentan como riesgo para las organizaciones de APAC
Los deepfakes de IA no estaban en el radar de riesgo de las organizaciones hace poco tiempo, pero en 2024, ...
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Ransomware threats in Asia-Pacific depend on country and sector, says Rapid7

Ransomware threats in Asia-Pacific depend on country and sector, says Rapid7
Raj Samani, chief scientist. Image: Rapid7 New research from cybersecurity firm Rapid7 has shown that the ransomware attacks facing IT ...
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APAC Employees Prefer Convenience and Speed ​​Over Cyber ​​Security

APAC Employees Prefer Convenience and Speed ​​Over Cyber ​​Security
CISOs know that best practices in information security management come down to both people and technology. Without employees and a ...
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Cybersecurity professional burnout is widespread, creating risks for APAC organizations

Cybersecurity professional burnout is widespread, creating risks for APAC organizations
Many burned out cybersecurity professionals in APAC have suffered in silence for years. However, a growing body of regional research, ...
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Informatica says data fragmentation stands in the way of APAC generative AI

Informatica says data fragmentation stands in the way of APAC generative AI
Data chiefs in the Asia-Pacific region are seriously looking at deploying artificial intelligence, according to a international survey of 600 ...
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Telstra among APAC telcos seeking innovation, resilience and growth in 2024

Telstra among APAC telcos seeking innovation, resilience and growth in 2024
Telcos in the Asia-Pacific region have entered 2024 facing cost pressures amid limited returns on their 5G investments to date. ...
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