Gemini Code Assist could be Google's secret weapon to challenge GitHub Copilot

Live demo of Gemini Code Assist pictured at Google Cloud Next 2024 in Las Vegas, USA.
The launch of Gemini Code Assist, Google's new developer assistant, represents a bold move by the tech giant to unlock ...
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“Found means fixed”: GitHub's new code scanning tool will find and fix bugs in your code

GitHub Inc. signage during the Singapore FinTech Festival in Singapore, on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023.
GitHub is introducing a new code scanning automatic repair tool that can search for vulnerabilities in software code in a ...
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Microsoft says hacking group Midnight Blizzard accessed source code and internal systems

The Microsoft logo is on display at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, on February 26, 2024
Microsoft has revealed that the Russian state-sponsored hacking group Midnight Blizzard gained access to internal systems and source code repositories ...
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An open source challenger for GitHub Copilot? StarCoder 2, a code generation tool backed by Nvidia, Hugging Face and ServiceNow, is free to use and offers support for more than 600 programming languages.

Software developer using code generation tool on computer workstation.
Code generation tool StarCoder has received a massive update that could position it as a leading open source alternative to ...
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Code faster and more accurately for only $45

Code faster and more accurately for only $45
TL;DR: Speed ​​up your programming, particularly your collaborations, with Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Windows — is on sale ...
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Learn to code and get Microsoft Visual Studio for only $65

Learn to code and get Microsoft Visual Studio for only $65
TL;DR: Business owners and freelancers can benefit from data coding and visualization. Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 + Premium Certification ...
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