The Marvels Villain Dar-Benn: A Cosmic Evolution from Marvel Comics to the MCU | Revealing Her Powers and Role in The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Start a cosmic journey with Marvel Comics as we explore the amazing story of Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan, the villains behind the Kree Empire’s chaos. Join us as we trace their history from their first appearance in Silver Surfer #53 in 1991 to their upcoming movie prominence as The Marvels Villain.

The Marvels Villain Dar-Benn
(Image Credit: Google)

In the intricate Marvel story, Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan joined forces to pull off a daring coup against the emperor of the Kree Empire, Clumsy Foulup. Their clever strategy revolved around a robot named Silver Surfer, and the consequences of their actions had a profound impact on the entire Marvel universe. Skipping ahead to Avengers #346 in 1992, their plans hit a roadblock when they were defeated by Deathbird, a mutant from the Shi’ar, as part of the grand Operation Galactic Storm.

As we move in the Marvel present story, The Marvels promise to infuse new life into these powerful Villains. This thrilling new series teases a transforming journey for these Marvel villains, implying a deeper analysis of their characters as well as a huge impact on Marvel’s movie history.

We discover the cosmic enhancements that set Dar-Benn distinct by delving into her powers and accessories in both Marvel Comics and The Marvels. Dar-Benn comics growth is a cosmic display, from heightened strength and durability in the comics to a gender-swapped, power-packed counterpart in The Marvels. The Marvels Villain adds an additional depth to her persona by introducing a mystery bracelet with dangerous powers.

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As we discover Dar-Benn’s role as the major villain in The Marvels, the cosmic risks rise. She becomes The Marvels Villain, a dangerous antagonist, when she joins forces with Captain Marvel. Director Nia DaCosta previews her part in the “destabilization of the universe,” which refers to the major plan of the MCU’s Multiverse Series.

Not to mention Dar-Benn’s fearsome armory, which includes the renowned Cosmi-Rod. The Marvels Villain, armed to the cosmic teeth, promises a spectacular fight in the future film, with likely ties to the Kree Accusers, bringing an added layer of Marvel legend to the cosmic mix.

Get ready for a cosmic journey as we trace the comic book origins of Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan and explore their upcoming reinterpretation in The Marvels. Dive into their powers, schemes, and epic interstellar showdowns, all while anticipating the significant impact The Marvels Villain will make on Marvel’s cinematic universe. Excelsior! The Marvels Villain awaits your discovery.

Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan – Overthrown Kree Emperors in Marvel Comics

The Marvels Villain Dar-Benn
(Image Credit: Google)

Embark on a cosmic voyage through the Marvel Comics universe as we uncover the story of Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan, the Kree Empire’s architects of disruption. Consider this: The year is 1991, and Dar-Benn is the focus of Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #53. Dar-Benn, a General in the Imperial Kree Army, is joined by his colleague Ael-Dan, and the two are about to rock the Kree Empire to its core.

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The Kree Empire, ruled by the amusingly called Clumsy Foulup, does not sit well with our dynamic team. Foulup’s reign has gotten tedious, driving Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan to devise an audacious strategy. What is their goal? to depose Foulup and take control of the Kree Empire.

But how does one remove an emperor from power? Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan have created a robotic version of the Silver Surfer, the Herald of Galactus. This robotic Surfer is on a mission to assassinate Foulup, not save planets. The ingenuity of their plan comes in framing the Kree’s long-standing foes, the Skrulls, for the invasion. The end result? Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan ascend to power as co-Emperors of the Kree Empire, ushering in a watershed period for The Marvels Villain.

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But, as the saying goes, every rise to power is followed by a fall. Take a look at Avengers #346, Operation Galactic Storm, from 1992. This cataclysmic event throws the Kree Empire into instability, entangling it in battles with both the Skrulls and the Shi’ar Empire. What is the climax? Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan’s demise was engineered by the Shi’ar mutant Cal’syee Neramani, better known as Deathbird.

Let us now turn the cosmic lens on the present, or at least the Marvel present. The Marvels, a tantalizing new Marvel Comics series, promises to resurrect the Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan saga. It alludes to The Marvels Villain’s transforming journey, implying a deeper analysis of their characters and a potential expansion of their significance inside the Marvel Comics timeline.

Dar-Benn’s Marvel Comics and The Marvels Villains Powers and Accessories

The Marvels Villain Dar-Benn
(Image Credit: Google)

Dar-Benn, as a Kree, has superior strength, stamina, durability, and endurance than us simple mortals in the vast Marvel Comics universe. However, as a male Kree, he lacks the “seventh sense” that Kree women display, displaying precognition or clairvoyance.

Let’s go on to The Marvels, a new Marvel Comics series. In this scene, we see a gender-flipped Dar-Benn, played by the brilliant Zawe Ashton. Kree skills in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) are very similar to their comic equivalents, but with a faster regeneration rate for that additional cosmic flair. It’s a metamorphosis worthy of a Marvels villain.

Dar-Benn’s accessories, on the other hand, set her apart. If you’ve seen the promos for The Marvels, you’ve probably recognized a familiar bangle. Yes, it’s similar to the one Kamala Khan wore in the Ms. Marvel series. Kamala’s bracelet activated her latent mutant talent and was supposed to have a Kree link in the comics, foreshadowing the cosmic themes that merge with The Marvels Villain.

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Let us now decipher the riddles of Dar-Benn’s bracelet in The Marvels. This cosmic item bestows upon her fearsome abilities, such as the ability to fire strong energy blasts, build force fields, and possibly even manipulate jump spots between different corners of space and time. As if that weren’t enough, the bangle plays an important role in tying together the light-based powers of characters such as Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, and Kamala Khan, weaving an intriguing narrative in The Marvels that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, wondering what The Marvels Villain has up her celestial sleeve.

Dar-Benn’s Gender-Swapping and Enhanced Powers in The Marvels

The Marvels Villain Dar-Benn
(Image Credit: Google)

Dar-Benn, in the comic world, is a male Kree with power over the Kree Empire. Yes, but nothing too dazzling, and certainly no bangle.

Enter The Marvels, an MCU adaptation in which creative liberties are allowed. Zawe Ashton takes up the role of a gender-flipped Dar-Benn, a departure from the comics’ original masculine representation. This change adds depth to the character, ushering in a strong female antagonist into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Marvels Villain grabs the spotlight.

But what is the true game-changer? The authorities. Unlike the Dar-Benn of Marvel Comics, this MCU Dar-Benn wears a bracelet that doubles as a cosmic Swiss Army knife. It’s more than simply a fashion statement; it’s a force to be reckoned with. Dar-Benn’s arsenal includes energy blasts, force fields, and the power to manipulate space and time. The addition of these abilities adds a dramatic element to the character’s portrayal in The Marvels, transforming her into a cosmic force to be reckoned with and cementing her reputation as The Marvels Villain.

Dar-Benn’s Role as the Marvels’ Primary Villain

The Marvels Villain Dar-Benn
(Image Credit: Google)

The Marvels raises the stakes as Zawe Ashton’s Dar-Benn takes center stage as the main enemy, clashing with none other than Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel. What is the source of this resentment? Captain Marvel’s actions against the Kree Empire in the 1995 film Captain Marvel, as well as her struggles in the thirty-year period preceding Avengers: Endgame.

Captain Marvel’s efforts appear to have sparked a civil war on Hala, pitting Kree against Kree. Dar-Benn comes from the midst of the chaos, driven by a passionate desire to restore her motherland to its former splendor. She grows into a deadly foe, seeking vengeance not just against Captain Marvel but also against her heroic allies. The Marvels Villain is about to alter the cosmic story.

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Nia DaCosta, the director, teases us with Dar-Benn’s involvement in the “destabilization of the universe.” This nicely fits into the MCU’s Multiverse Saga’s overarching storyline, especially with the advent of incursions in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022). Prepare for an epic incursion that could affect the future thanks to The Marvels Villain’s activities. We’re talking Avengers: Secret Wars-level impact here, with Dar-Benn established as a significant and influential villain in the MCU’s grand narrative.

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Dar-Benn’s Mighty Arsenal in Marvels

The Marvels Villain Dar-Benn
(Image Credit: Google)

Let us now discuss weapons. Dar-Benn, played by Zawe Ashton in The Marvels, is armed to the cosmic teeth. That bangle you’ve had your eye on? This isn’t just for show. It’s an important part of her strong arsenal, implying that she possesses unique abilities. The toolbox of the Marvels Villain is nothing short of remarkable.

But that isn’t all. Dar-Benn never leaves the house without her Cosmi-Rod, identifying her as a Kree Accuser. If the phrase seems familiar to you, it’s because we’ve heard it before. Remember Ronan, played by Lee Pace in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)? He was on a quest to annihilate Xandar and the Nova Empire and bring the Kree-Nova War to a close with a bang.

While it’s unknown whether Ronan and Dar-Benn have a direct connection in The Marvels, their shared identity as Kree Accusers suggests something significant. The Cosmi-Rod’s introduction emphasizes The Marvels Villain’s strength and power in the future film, suggesting a cosmic clash of epic proportions.

So there you have it: Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan’s intergalactic journey from their comic book origins to their upcoming reinterpretation in The Marvels. As the Marvel Universe expands its cosmic horizons, expect a rollercoaster of abilities, storylines, and interplanetary showdowns. Excelsior! The Marvels Villain is on the prowl, eager to make an unforgettable imprint on the tapestry of Marvel’s cinematic universe.


Begin your cosmic adventure with Marvel Comics as we reveal the story of Dar-Benn and Ael-Dan, the masterminds behind the Kree Empire’s turmoil. General Dar-Benn and comrade Ael-Dan set out to topple the reigning Clumsy Foulup in 1991’s Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #53, using a robotic Silver Surfer to frame the Skrulls and gain control.

Their reign, however, comes to a devastating end in 1992’s Avengers #346, during Deathbird’s Operation Galactic Storm. The Marvels promises a new take on their story, implying a transformational journey for these Marvel villains.

Dar-Benn has increased Kree powers in Marvel Comics, but The Marvels introduces a gender-swapped counterpart portrayed by Zawe Ashton. Dar-Benn in the MCU wears a magical bracelet that grants her cosmic abilities, distinguishing her from the original comic representation.

The role of The Marvels Villain as the major opponent opposite Captain Marvel raises the stakes. In keeping with the Multiverse Saga, director Nia DaCosta teases Dar-Benn’s involvement in disrupting the cosmos. This establishes her as a significant villain, with the ability to shape the MCU’s destiny, similar to Avengers: Secret Wars.

Dar-Benn’s lethal armory includes the distinctive bangle and a Cosmi-Rod, both of which identify her as a Kree Accuser. The Marvels promises a spectacular clash that combines cosmic abilities and complicated intrigues. As The Marvels Villain takes center stage, prepare for an epic chapter in Marvel’s cinematic universe. Excelsior!

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