Beloved Classic

Lois Lowry's 1993 novel "The Giver" is a dystopian classic, and now its 2014 film adaptation is available on Netflix.

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Jeff Bridges as The Giver 

Despite not surpassing the book, the film is noteworthy, especially with Jeff Bridges playing the pivotal role of the Giver passing memories to a younger protege. 

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Dystopian Society Setting 

The storyline unfolds in a dystopian society suppressing emotions and chemically controlling desires. Jonas, the protagonist, discovers the dark secrets beneath the facade. 

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Release Timing 

"The Giver" entered the movie scene during the peak of dystopian YA trends in the early 2010s, alongside franchises like The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner. 

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Not an Action Franchise 

Despite the trend, the film wasn't intended as an action franchise, and its essence aligns more with the source material than the prevailing trend. 

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Jeff Bridges' Long Push 

Jeff Bridges had been advocating for the adaptation since the '90s, showing his commitment to bringing the story to the big screen. 

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Prestigious Cast 

The 2014 version boasts a prestigious cast, including Jeff Bridges, Brenton Thwaites, Meryl Streep, Alexander Skarsgard, and even Taylor Swift. 

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Comparison to the Book 

Despite facing negative reviews for not meeting book enthusiasts' expectations, it's acknowledged as not a bad movie, especially for those unfamiliar with the source material. 

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Box Office Success 

The film, despite facing challenges during production, performed well at the box office, indicating public interest despite critical reviews. 

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Netflix Streaming 

Despite its flaws, "The Giver" remains a fantastic story, and its availability on Netflix offers viewers a chance to revisit a school book list favorite and appreciate the narrative despite the film's shortcomings. 

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